ABS Census data extract - G01 SELECTED PERSON CHARACTERISTICS BY SEX providing a breakdown of population at LGA level and by:
- age groups
- aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander persons (a)
- birthplace (b) and (c)
- language used at home (d)
- age of persons attending an education institution (e)
- highest year of school completed (f)
- count of persons in occupied private dwellings (g)
- Count of persons in other dwellings (g) (h)
This data is based on place of usual residence unless otherwise stated.
(a) Applicable to persons who are of both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin.
(b) Includes 'Australia', 'Australia (includes External Territories), nfd', 'Norfolk Island' and 'Australian External Territories, nec'.
(c) Includes 'Inadequately described', and 'At sea'. Excludes not stated.
(d) Includes 'Inadequately described' and 'Non-verbal, so described'. Excludes not stated.
(e) Comprises 'Preschool', 'Primary' (including Government, Catholic, Other non-Government, Primary not further defined), 'Secondary' (including Government, Catholic, Other non-Government, Secondary not further defined) and 'Tertiary' (including vocational education (including TAFE and private training providers), university or other higher education, Tertiary not further defined). Excludes persons who did not state which type of education institution they were attending.
(f) Applicable to persons aged 15 years and over.
(g) Data is based on place of enumeration. Excludes overseas visitors.
(h) Includes 'Visitors only' and 'Other non-classifiable' households, 'Non-private dwellings' and 'Migratory, off-shore and shipping' SA1s.
Please note that there are small random adjustments made to all cell values to protect the confidentiality of data. These adjustments may cause the sum of rows or columns to differ by small amounts from table totals.